Rules of engagement
This life is not a dress rehearsal, live everyday as if its hell week
In theater Hell week is the last week week before opening day. Everyone puts their best foot forward rehearsing in full costume, no script as if its performance day. This project blog is me living my life full out, here you will here you will get to witness my hidden talents, read stories of the blunders and missteps I have made. Fully claiming and living the dreams I have kept hidden for so long for fear of judgement. Stop living life according to someone else’s script they’ve written based on a version of you they created in their head.
Choose Joy
This is easier said then done its really hard to do but forge ahead. Find one thing that brings lightness , peace and positivity into your life daily. Choose positivity, love, laughter express gratitude daily.
Be Adventurous
Jump into life do one thing that scares you daily, try new things, travel alone, wear bold colors live your life in color.